Hot 10 SEO Tips From Semalt Islamabad Expert

Webmasters often make the mistake of spending hundreds of dollars on the sponsored ads especially Pay-Per-Click campaigns before realizing that most people love non-sponsored advertisements. There are numerous ways to achieve high ranking in the search engine results, but our top ten SEO tips are timeless and valuable.
We hope that you will find these SEO tips from Sohail Sadiq, a top specialist from Semalt, useful and informative.
Tip 1 : Find the Best Keywords
It's safe to mention that finding the best keywords to optimize your site is the only way to survive on the internet. Even when you use a keyword that is not being used on the internet, Google and other search engines will calculate the number of times your visitors have checked your website for that particular keyword. You must invest the resources into finding suitable keywords. It's good to use the use keywords and phrases that will turn the searches into leads and purchases in no time. For this, you can buy sponsored ads and use some SEO tools that could help you find the top-notch keywords for your site.
Tip 2: Discover What the Competitors are Doing
Google, Bing, and Yahoo know that the incoming links are a must part of their raking criteria. Thus, you should build quality links and understand what the competitors are doing nowadays. Besides using some great SEO tools, you should check their sitemap and observe what keywords they've had used. Get to know everything about their XML Site Map for finding the keywords in the page names. Moreover, you should check their HTML titles and meta tags and compile a list of keywords they have targeted the most.
Tip 3: Write Sharable and Linkable Content

Content is king, so you should always focus on writing quality articles. Generic content cannot get you the desired results and is not friendly to your website. Think about the short tail and long tail keywords and use a variety of phrases in your content. Make sure the articles you write are meaningful, informative and useful for the readers because that's the only way to get more shares, likes, and comments. Include some visual examples, references, and charts to prove the worth of your content.
Tip 4: Optimize the Title and Meta Tags
The HTML title and meta tags should be properly optimized. If you want the search engines to rank your site better, you must optimize the title and use proper meta tags. Include the primary keywords both in your title and meta tag, and keep the title under 60 characters and related to the content of your page. You can also optimize the subpage titles and their meta tags for improved search engine ranking.
Tip 5: Optimize the Headings and Subheadings
Most often, essays and papers are written by the Modern Language Association (MLA) style. It consists of the cover page, the title, short and long paragraphs and how to cite the references. Similarly, you should craft your articles in a way that they meet the standards of Google. Headings play a significant role in how the information is organized, so you should always include the H1, H2, H3 and other tags in the content body. Also, you should try to write a minimum of 400 words per page.
Tip 6: Use the Title and ALT Attributes
You should use the title, and alt attributes to improve the ranking of your site. The title attribute tells the search engines almost everything about your content, and the alt attribute helps describe your image to the search engines.
Tip 7: Optimize File Nomenclatures
Wherever possible, you should save the media, web pages and image with proper keywords and file names. For instance, if the keyword phrase is "sports and games," you may want to save your images with the sports-and-games-00.jpg or sports_games_01.jpg titles. Experts say that you will improve the ranking of your site with optimized file nomenclatures.
Tip 8: Tell the Search Engines What You Want to Index
You must tell the search engines what you actually want to index. Duplicate content and low-quality images will never be indexed properly, so deal with this problem before letting Google, Yahoo, and Bing know about your site. For consistency, you should have a single version of all the pages to get the inbound links and to earn the points with Google.
Tip 9: Feed the Search Engines static and the XML Site Map

You can feed the search engine static and the XML sitemap as per your requirements. As every page of your site will be linked to your sitemap, it lets the web-crawlers find your content. With the XML sitemap, it becomes easy for the visitors and Google to access your web pages.
Tip 10: Use the Validator and Checklists
You should validate the accuracy of your site and its source code. For this, you can use some SEO, CSS and HTML techniques, ensuring that there are no broken links and images. You can begin this process by evaluating the broken links, followed by adjusting the settings of your HTML map.